
Learning and retention is enhanced through active experience. By holding and manipulating a 3D object students can gain insight into spatial and physical concepts that may not be clear or are difficult to either visualize or understand abstractly. While virtual simulations are becoming more and more prevalent, physical models are more effective because they can be held and examined.

3D printers allow teachers and students to produce and share models across many differences. Models exist to help demonstrate concepts in
  • biomechanics—finger and knee joints, tendon extensor mechanisms
  • biology—folded proteins, demonstrating docking geometries
  • aeronautics—wing shapes, wind-tunnel models
  • math—3D fractals, knots, polytopes, manifolds, regular polygons
  • art— sculpture, objects of antiquity


Free Collections of Fossils

Sites that sell 3D anatomy models

Thingiverse 3D anatomy models
  1. Anatomic Human Foot by member DrGlassDPMZ
    Click for details

  2. Human Hand Bones - Thumb by member siderits
    Click for details

  3. Human Inner Ear by member neurothing
    Click for details

  4. Right Femur by member BME_sundevil
    Click for details

  5. Scapula by member Bror
    Click for details

  6. by member mechadense
    Click for details

  7. BodyParts3D Foot by member Cbonsig
    Click for details

  8. Aortic Bifurcation by member Cbonsig
    Click for details

  9. Lumbar Vertebrae by member Cbonsig
    Click for details

  10. by member
    Click for details

  11. RNA Polymerase by member destroyer2012
    Click for details

  12. Formin Homology Domain by member destroyer2012
    Click for details

Free 3D anatomy data
  1. 3D ear

  2. 70S Ribosome from member Destroyer

  3. MRI Scans.

    The following process was described in Edible Chocolate Brain from MRI Scan
    To convert MRI scans into something that can be printed:
    1. Converting sliced DICOM data into the STL file format
    2. Editing and clean up
    3. Printing

    1. To convert the DICOM data from the MRI scan into 3D geometry download InVesalius 3, a free, open source medical application (available for the moment for just Windows and GNU Linux). It generates 3D medical imaging reconstruction based on a sequence of 2D DICOM files acquired with CT or MRI equipments, providing several visualization tools.

    2. Import your sliced DICOM image files into InVesalius. For highly detailed data you may need to limit the number of images that are used to generate the 3D model.

    3. Once InVesalius has calculated the model, you can adjust the settings to select only part of the image. You can filter out everything but fat tissue then adjust levels to select as much of the object as possible. You can also remove other parts during the edit and cleanup phase.

    4. Save as an STL file

    5. To clean the data use MeshLab or MeshMixer

    6. If using MeshLab, when you have finished editing , perform a poisson reconstruction to reconstruct the surface of the model. This forms a waterproof mesh suitable for 3D printing. This tool can be found in the filter menu under remeshing> simplification and reconstruction>poisson reconstruction

    7. Save as an STL file.

    8. The waterproof STL can then be taken into a CAD software package like 3DS Max, Blender or MeshMixer for additional cleanup or editing.

    member Tony Buser's workflow used to produce his Bitter Gourd (Melon) MRI Scan
    1. Find a suitable image from Inside Insides

    2. In ImageJ: File > Import > Animated Gif

    3. Select Plugins > 3D > 3D Viewer

    4. Select Display As: Surface, Color: White

    5. SelectFile >Export Surfaces As> STL (binary)

    6. Open file in Meshmixer and clean it up

    OsiriX can convert scans to stl files.

    ImageJ can be used to convert files.

  4. Converting CT and MRI data

    3D slicer is a free, open source software package for visualization and image analysis for medical files. 3D Slicer is natively designed to be available on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac Os X

    Slicer provides a graphical user interface to interact with the data. In addition to manual segmentation and the creation of 3D surface models from conventional MRI images.

    Click here to learn how to use Slicer.

    Download the Slicer4Minute dataset which contains an MR scan of the brain and 3D reconstructions of the anatomy.
  5. BodyParts3D
    In the 2008 paper BodyParts3D: 3D structure database for anatomical concepts, (abstract on PubMed, open access PDF from some ambitious researchers in Japan set out to create:

    BodyParts3D, a dictionary-type database for anatomy in which anatomical concepts are represented by 3D structure data that specify corresponding segments of a 3D whole-body model for an adult human male
    The project was funded by The Integrated Database Project, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. (Arigatō!) The website alone is quite impressive, and is even translated into English (see lifesciencedb). But this project goes beyond just displaying pretty pictures… The native 3D models for thousands of carefully rendered body parts are made freely available under a Creative Commons Share-Alike license! And they can be downloaded from an FTP site, in high resolution!

    Here is the article:BodyParts3D: 3D structure database for anatomical concepts. by Mitsuhashi N, Fujieda K, Tamura T, Kawamoto S, Takagi T, Okubo K

    This workflow was used by member Cbonsig

    Creating STL models from BodyParts3D

    1. Download and unzip the OBJ files. The originals are at ftp.biosciencedbc and a copy made by Craig Bonsignore under the the CC-SA license can be found here

    2. Find the FMA number of the body part of interest. Use the web interface at or by search the English version of the the parts list—parts_list_e.txt— inside the zip file. Many of the FMA numbers on the list refer to groups, rather than individual parts. For example, FMA9664 foot contains FMA70664 set of toes, which contains FMA25047 big toe. You need to find FMA230986 middle phalanx of right little toe and 27 other bones if you’re trying to build a complete skeletal model of the right foot.

    3. Open Meshlab, and import one or more .OBJ files. Each .OBJ will be on a separate layer in the project. Use Filters > Layer and Attribute Management.

    4. Save the Meshlab.

    5. Merge all visible layers into one. Filters > Layer and Attribute Management > Flatten Visible Layers.

    6. Save the mesh as an STL file. File > Export Mesh > select .STL as type.

    7. Close the project without saving to preserve the layer organization for each component.

    8. The data set is not perfect. Much of the detail was subject to artistic interpretation. The models are not anatomically perfect, but they are an excellent free and accessible resource for artists, engineers, makers and students.

      Craig Bonsignore put a few of the models on Thingiverse:

Helpful information

You can convert vrml and obj files to stl files with meshlab.
Do final cleanup with Netfabb